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When is Too Sick for School

#2: Update Immunizations, Sports Physical, and Health Records in Skyward

Back-to-School Information

Skyward Health Information

Please make sure your student's health, family and emergency contact information are updated by completing our annual Student Information Verification online using Skyward Family Access or by contacting your school's health office. This information is critical for our school health services staff. 


Minnesota law requires children enrolled in child care, early childhood education, or school to be immunized against certain diseases, unless the child is exempt. Please take a moment to review your child's immunization records and ensure that they have received the necessary vaccines. If you have any questions or concerns about immunizations, please reach out to your school nurse or consult your healthcare provider.


If your child requires any medications during school hours, please make sure to complete the Authorization for Medication (Policy 516) form. This includes both prescription and over-the-counter medications. All medications must be accompanied by a signed consent form from a parent or legal guardian.

When do I keep my student home?

Maintaining a healthy environment within our school community is a shared responsibility. We kindly request that you keep your child at home if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever of 100°F or higher
  • Suspected ringworm or impetigo
  • Family circumstances causing excess emotional distress
  • Suspicious looking rash and a temperature above 99.4°F
  • Injury causing inability to function due to pain or impairment

When can students return to school after illness?

  • Fever-free for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications
  • Vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours

We understand that missing school can disrupt your child's education, but their health and the well-being of others must take precedence. We have measures in place to support students in catching up on missed work and assignments upon their return. If your child is absent due to illness, please notify the school office as soon as possible. Absences may be reported in Skyward Family Access, on the Skyward App, or by calling your students school.

Please make sure your student's health, family and emergency contact information are updated online using Skyward Family Access or contacting your school's health office.

The school health services is designed to facilitate care to all students; to protect and promote the students optimal health, and to eliminate or minimize the health barriers to enhance learning. The school nurse acts as a liaison between parents, educational, and medical personnel. 

If at any time during the school year changes occur in your child's health status, please notify the school nurse.  She can interpret these changes for school personnel and can recommend and help implement any modifications in the school program necessary to meet the needs of your child.

The nurses are available by phone and for conferences by appointment, to address any questions and/or concerns regarding the well-being of your child.  Please feel free to contact the nurse at your son's or daughter's school.  

The following services to support Cambridge-Isanti students is provided at each school:

Licensed School Nurse (LSN/RN)

  • Assesses individual student health and developmental status
  • Promotes and maintains the health and well-being of all students
  • Develops health plans for students with health conditions
  • Coordinates prevention and control of communicable disease
  • Develops a system of first aid and emergency cares
  • Participates in health education
  • Recommends new and updated health policies
  • Provides referrals to community resources 

Health Administrative Assistant

  • Provides first aid to students and staff

  • CPR certified

  • Administers medication (under the direction of the LSN/RN)
  • Assists with screenings
  • Processes immunization records
  • Maintains health records

Health Services Resources

Julie Williams

Julie Williams

Director of Student Support Services

School Nurses

Heidi Holmberg

Cambridge Primary School

Sue Pike

Cambridge Intermediate School

Alicia Hannan

Cambridge Middle School

Lisa Bingham

Isanti Primary School

Amanda Mackey

Isanti Intermediate School, Cambridge-Isanti STEAM School

Hope Tanko

Cambridge-Isanti High School

Joy Hannan

Isanti Middle School

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